Hopefully everyone is getting ready for a fun and safe night. This is just a progress update on the run from May/June brushes which is entering the final stages and should be shipping soon. The other run in progress (July-Sept) is not photo ready but I will have another update in about a week’s time. I will start to reach out to those on the October and November production brushes in the next few days to go over final details, and will be taking orders shortly thereafter. I did not set up a December run, so this next one will be the last for the year.
The S.F.F. auction should be all set to go, I made the necessary arrangements and should be announcing that before the next update if all goes well.
That is all the news I have for now, but I do have some photos for you all to enjoy. There are some handles that are requiring more work, so they are not featured. I’ll be getting in touch via email as well tomorrow. Thanks so much, everyone.