I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mine was a very busy one finishing up some knots as well as some time with family and friends for a birthday celebration. I just want to give a quick update to let everyone know of the progress being made on these latest runs. I am doing well and I’ve enjoyed getting in touch with everyone via email. Messages are being managed much better at the moment, thankfully. If you have an order request submitted and have not heard from me but want to reach out, please do so. I haven’t confirmed all requests on file yet, but hope to do that soon.
May/June Brushes
Here is a sampling of what is in continued progress for this run. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I was seeing some very interesting pieces in the rough, and this first round of shape refinement and polishing has revealed more. Some very fresh pieces in Red, and the Terrazzo is making itself known for sure. A few classic pieces are in the mix as well; there is nothing like Ivory and let’s not forget it looks proper when polished.
July-September runs
Orders have been taken for July-Sept brushes. The batch is in the material casting stage for handles, the castings are looking ok, and I might have them rough turned by the next update, which will be late next week. I will see how much progress I can make, but nevertheless I’ll be giving more periodic, shorter updates to keep folks posted.
October Run
I might be able to start taking orders next week for October brushes. Again, I will see how these two runs develop in the next 10-14 days.
The SFF Auction is still in the works. I need to sort some things out to set up the necessary accounts, I’m still working on that. Stay tuned.
That is all for now, as I mentioned the next update will be next week with more photos and status. Please reach out via email should you need to. Thanks so much, everyone.