This is a bit overdue so I do regret the delay in getting this blog post up. I’ve been working on it for the past couple of weeks but have not been able to. I’m also behind on messages but I will do my best to reach everyone this weekend with regards to their custom order completion. I did have some issues pop up these past few weeks, and I’ll give a quick update on things in the shop to expand upon that. After that I’ll post some photos, and then give a preview of what I hope the spring and summer will look like in terms of availability and also releases.
Shop Update
Earlier this month I unfortunately had a large jug of the Alumilite resin spill in a major way. This was an older gallon jug of the hardener and that made it much worse. As the hardener gets older, it absorbs moisture, and some of the compounds start to harden, and the other compounds start to separate. This made it a much more intensive cleanup and it did set me back a bit. However, mishaps are just part of the production process and thankfully I have contained and cleaned up the mess.
I was also ill during this month, which was unrelated to the resin spill. I sometimes come down with whatever bug is going around in the beginning of spring. For some reason, most years I can go all winter without so much as a sniffle but every now and then the beginning of spring means I am out of commission for a few days. It seems strange to me but maybe I let my guard down once the weather starts to get nice, and suffer for it. Anyhow, I am back to normal now.
Other than that, the shop is running ok. Some of the sorting of the hair lately has been a bit slower than usual, which is why these brushes don’t have knots yet. As I have mentioned in the past, every batch of hair is different, and some portions of the supply require more work than others to get the knots to where I want them to be. Nevertheless, I am looking to ship a lot of brushes this coming week as the sorting gets finalized and the knots are cemented.
The Latest Run
Here are some photos of the latest run of customs which feature some really nice pieces. Included is a new handle shape, which I am calling the “Piston”, and I plan on making it in 32mm size. The 32mm size has been really popular this past year and I wanted to have something in the line-up that compliments the massive size knots. It draws heavily from The Varlet’s design DNA and I hope folks will like it.
piston, 32mm, carbon / carbon w/gold terrazzo
gaslamp, 29mm, violet / amber, silver engraving
gaslamp, 29mm, emerald / alpine, white engraving
cambria, 27mm, somerset / clear blue, silver engraving
beehive, 27mm, blue531
beehive, 29mm, blk / wht marble / amber
gaslamp, 29mm, somerset / radiogram, low-light matte
gaslamp, 32mm, robin’s egg light, white engraving
beehive, 29mm, violet / amber
custom availability and future releases
As I announced on Instagram previously, availability for customs will be open today at 10am Pacific. I have opened enough slots to keep me busy through the middle of summer so there should be plenty of available slots hopefully.
I am also planning on making more releases of ready-made brushes very soon. I have some ideas that have been brewing for some time so I am excited to see them materialize. Stay tuned to the Instagram and blog as always for the latest.
That is all I have for now. I look forward to getting in touch with everyone and finally sending these latest customs to their new homes. As always, I hope they will be enjoyed which makes the effort worthwhile. I am always available via email should anyone need to reach out! Thanks so much and happy shaving everyone.