
Each brush listing has an estimated shipping time based on current status of completion and in-stock materials. Shipping estimates are stated in business days (Mon-Fri). Should shipping time vary greatly, The Varlet will contact you to advise of an adjusted shipping time. Due to the nature of an entirely hand-crafted brush, shipping time may be slightly delayed to ensure the utmost quality. Estimated shipping times are only best estimates, priority is given to the quality of construction of brushes regardless of time frame quoted.

For custom brushes, priority is given to the best results possible within a reasonable time. While a general time frame may be given for custom orders, completion time can vary. Updates will be given throughout the construction process by email until completion and shipment. The Varlet will ensure that brushes are made as quickly as possible, so long as they exhibit the qualities promised in performance, design, and details. Because custom brushes are made to order with custom specifications, custom orders are non-refundable once placed.

*Shipping policy has been amended as of 6/10/2022. Shipping estimates for orders will be guaranteed.

Overseas Shipping

Brushes can only be shipped to addresses in the United States of America ("U.S.A.") and to overseas U.S. Armed Forces (such as FPO) addresses. The Varlet at this time does not ship internationally. You may arrange the export of a brush after its delivery to a U.S.A. address, but at your discretion and responsibility to abide by export rules. For further details, see Terms of Service.